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Welcome to abraxas

For more than 25 years, we have been developing sophisticated software solutions for banks and financial services providers. The combination of technical and professional knowledge of the financial services industry makes us your competent partner for the realization of high-quality, flexible and stable solutions, especially in the areas of commission and fee processing, market data validation and distribution as well as market conformity checks.

Modularity and flexibility of our software ensure prompt, cost-effective and demand-oriented solutions for your requirements.

Our customers, who are always at the center of our work, include well-known banks, investment companies and financial service providers in Germany, Luxembourg, Austria, the UK, Ireland and Asia.
Our customers value our high reliability, professionalism and adherence to delivery dates during project implementation.

Since May 2016 abraxas Software-Entwicklungsgesellschaft is part of the Profidata Group with headquarters in Switzerland.


Our modular solution portfolio includes advanced applications for banks, custodian banks, transfer agents, investment companies, asset managers and insurance companies. This flexibility enables us to provide you with a demand-oriented and cost-effective solution for your requirements in a timely manner.


Application Software

What our customers say about us

Martin Hofer
Raiffeisenbank International
Executive Director Fund Services&Infrastructure

„FundLine provides a standardized but also individual customizable solution for the automated processing of trailer fees according our needs while ensuring accuracy and regulatory compliance according MiFID II.”

NordLB Covered Bond Bank
Deputy Head of Risk Control & Strategy

“The use of RiskLine helps us to efficiently comply with MaRisk in all requirements of regular evaluation considering the widest possible market environment while also reducing the workload for the valuation of liquid and illiquid bonds by more than 90 % per audit-proof valuation run”

Gabi Harnisch
Senior Team Head IT-/Project Controlling & Commission Settlement

With FundLine from abraxas we have successfully implemented a very powerful, flexible and scalable solution for the management of commissions. We were able to significantly optimize and automate the time-consuming and complex administration and calculation effort of commission settlement. All this in compliance with the regulatory requirements of MIFID II.

Mag. Werner Eder
Spängler IQAM Invest GmbH
Sprecher der Geschäftsführung

The use of FundLine for our commission settlement enables us to map the individuality of our contracts while at the same time significantly reduce our manual process effort due to the high degree of automation. The integrated sales controlling helps us to achieve greater transparency in the distribution of our products.

Andreas Heid
International Financial Data Service (IFDS)

As a leading transfer agent (TA), IFDS is very much client orient and focused on the requirements of our clients. Effective trailer fee processing is a challenge due to the complexity of the business. Fee processing means operational risk – in particular the risk of manual processes and overpayment. From the TA’s perspective, a system that reduces the operational risk and process fees efficiently is required. Additionally the process has to be transparent.
All balance based fees are calculated and processed using FundLine-R since the beginning of 2010. It’s impressive to see the highly sophisticated methods that abraxas has implemented in order to avoid overpayment. As we provide fee processing on behalf of many management companies in many different countries the system needs to be flexible. All our clients do have specific requirements. Small IFDS entities in several countries are processing the fees effectively and fee calculations that are based on a large amount of data are executed very fast. Processing fees is much more than just performing calculations. Balance statements from custodians as well as self-certified balance statements have to be processed. Improved levels of service results in faster processing and more transparent reporting. All of this is fully supported by FundLine-R.

The experienced staff at abraxas are working together closely with our team, allowing us to meet new requirements of our clients on short notice. This kind of close cooperation is important for IFDS, as it contributes to our ability to quickly act on market requirement changes.

Fundline-R is giving us and our clients much more capabilities to fulfil market requirements and more important to be a leader in exceptional and extraordinary Client servicing.

Luxembourg November 2013
Andreas Heid
IFDS Luxembourg S.A.

Bank Gutmann
Jörg Strasser
Bank Gutmann
Vorstand in der Gutmann KAG

Zum „1. Virtual Profidata Group Day“ hatten wir die Möglichkeit mit Herrn Jörg Strasser über den Einsatz von RiskLine-P bei der Gutmann KAG zu sprechen.
Jörg Strasser (Master of Legal Studies und zertifizierter Finanzanalyst und Portfolio Manager) verantwortet seit 2018 als Vorstand in der Gutmann KAG die Bereiche Fund Administration, Client Service und Securities Master Date and Quality Management.

Zu Use Case:
„[…]Wir suchten nach einer Lösung die unsere nur teilautomatisierten Prozesse verbessert und vereinfacht. Ziel war es die Prozesse effizienter zu gestalten, allerdings auch das Risiko zu minimieren[…]das Konzept von abraxas hat uns dann ziemlich schnell überzeugt[…]“

Zu Einführungsprojekt:
„[…]Sehr wichtig war die Nähe zu den Entwicklern. Das hat vieles vereinfacht. Die Fachabteilung konnte sich direkt austauschen und sofort über Testergebnisse diskutieren. Das brachte eine enorme Zeitersparnis und Effizienz bei der Umsetzung.[…]Zu erwähnen ist, dass wir den Projektumfang kurzfristig erweitern mussten[…]Die Implementierung der Neuanforderung in das Projekt hat anstandslos funktioniert und konnte wie gefordert vorgezogen umgesetzt werden.[…]Abraxas gab uns so stets das Gefühl einen verlässlichen und kompetenten Partner an der Seite zu haben[…]“

Zu Revisionssicherheit:
„[…]Zur Gewährleistung einer revisionssicheren Marktdatenversorgung protokolliert RiskLine-P für den Nachvollzug alle, auch manuelle, Datenänderungen.[…]Sämtliche Aktivitäten sind im System elektronisch für alle User nachvollziehbar, das wird auch die Interne Revision freuen[…]“

Zu Automatisierung und Zeitersparnis:
„[…]Durch den Einsatz von RiskLine-P ist es uns gelungen risikobehaftete teilautomatisierte Prozesse größtenteils zu automatisieren. Das betrifft insbesondere das Anfordern neuer Wertpapierkurse sowie den Validierungsprozess bei Kursschwankungen.[…]hier ist allerdings noch zu berücksichtigen, dass diese Zeitersparnis in nachgelagerten Abteilungen, beispielsweise bei Prozessen der Fondswertermittlung ebenfalls 1:1 durchschlägt, da diese Prozesse früher gestartet werden können. Davon wiederum profitieren die Kundenbetreuung bzw. der Kunde direkt. […]Ein weiterer wesentlicher Aspekt darf hier auch nicht vergessen werden, nämlich, dass früher sehr viel mit Papier (Ausdrucke etc.) gearbeitet wurde. Dies fällt durch die Automatisierung komplett weg, da in RiskLine-P jeder Handgriff, jede Kursänderung nachvollziehbar ist. Das hat auch sehr beim Arbeiten im Homeoffice geholfen – Stichwort papierloses Büro.[…]Durch die Zentralisierung der Datenversorgung erhalten alle Zielsysteme die Daten aus einer Quelle[…]“

Thomas Rogotzki
Warburg Invest
Leiter Vertriebscontrolling

The cooperation between Warburg Invest and abraxas began in 2011 and has proven itself from the very beginning. With FundLine, we have a system for processing fund commissions that meets all our requirements. In addition to the very good cooperation, fast response times and the commitment of the employees of abraxas, we appreciate the customer orientation on the basis of always fair cooperation. Based on this experience, we have also implemented other projects very successfully with abraxas.

We always feel that our wishes and needs are in very good hands with abraxas.

Peter Meichenitsch
Erste Asset Management
Professional Fund Administration

Erste Asset Management has been working with abraxas for more than 10 years and used FundLine-R since 2013 to calculate trailer fees.

The flexibility and stability of the system convinced us, which is why the system has been expanded over the years to include further freely configurable calculation processes. In the meantime, all fund-relevant fees at Erste Asset Management are calculated and processed via FundLine-R.

abraxas has proven to be a very reliable partner in all the years of cooperation. In addition to the competence and commitment of the employees, we particularly appreciate the flexibility, the rapid response and implementation time as well as the customer orientation of the entire team.

Our customers

Contact us

abraxas Software-Entwicklungsgesellschaft mbH
Altenkesseler Str. 17, Geb. C1
66115 Saarbrücken

Phone: +49 (0) 681 / 976185-0

Fax: +49 (0) 681 / 976185-99

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