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How to find us

We are looking forward to your visit. Before you arrive, you can quickly find out about the current weather and the forecast for the next days here.

Arriving by public transportation

Your journey by train takes you to the Saarbrücken main station. From there, you can reach the InnovationsCampus Saar by taxi or by bus number 122 (direction: Füllengarten Siedlung, stop: InnovationsCampus Ost).

Arriving by car

The access to the grounds of the InnovationsCampus Saar is already well signposted from the motorways A1, A6 and A620. On the premises of the InnovationsCampus Saar, our company is located in building C1. Parking is available in front of the building.

Our headquarters are located at InnovationsCampus Saar in Saarbrücken.